Fisking Index Page


For organizational clarity and ease of access to article posts published over an extended period of time (such as the posts at On Second Opinion Blog), this index page provides general information about the major works analyzed for their Second Amendment related historical accuracy and direct links to each of the numerous posts documenting specific historical errors within those works. The Fisking Index provided below makes it possible to read the entire analysis of each work as a single article with a number of chapter parts, something not possible in the normal blog layout.

At the present time, On Second Opinion Blog has published analyses and documentation of historical errors in four major Second Amendment related writings: 

Root Causes Of Never Ending Second Amendment Dispute, a twenty-four post analysis of historical errors in the professional historians' amicus brief filed in the District of Columbia vs Heller U.S. Supreme Court case.

Historians Try To Sell Brooklyn London Bridge To U.S. Supreme Court, a six post analysis of historical errors of the English/Early American historians' amicus brief filed in the McDonald vs Chicago Supreme Court case.

Historians Try To Sell Brooklyn  London  Benjamin Franklin Bridge To U.S. Supreme Court is another six post analysis, this time of Pennsylvania related historical errors in another professional historians' amicus brief filed in the McDonald vs Chicago case.

The District of Columbia vs Heller Dissent  (Justice Stevens' Train Wreck Of American History) is an ongoing analysis (currently six posts, with more on the way) of historical errors in his District of Columbia vs Heller dissent.


Root Causes Of Never-Ending Second Amendment Dispute (Professional Historians' Heller Amicus Brief Errors)
Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four 

Historians Try To Sell  Brooklyn  London Bridge To U.S. Supreme Court (Professional Historians' McDonald Amicus Brief Errors)
Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six

Historians Try To Sell  Brooklyn  London  Benjamin Franklin Bridge To U.S. Supreme Court (Professional Historians' McDonald Amicus Brief Pennsylvania Historical Errors)
Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six

The District Of Columbia vs Heller Dissent  (Justice Stevens' Train Wreck Of American History)
Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
Additional Justice Stevens' Train Wreck Of American History parts will be forthcoming.


Works slated for future analyses of Second Amendment related historical errors will include Michael Waldman's recent book, The Second Amendment - A Biography, and also Professor Bogus' article, The Hidden History of the Second Amendment.